Let’s Play – Chapter 10

Let’s Play – Chapter 10: Nigerian, Free, Web Novel, Drama, Romance, Play Girl, Fabling Pam


“So what did you do?” I squealed as she entered the room. Then I jumped up from the bed and tackled her to the ground.
I had been sitting up on the bed and staring at the door all night, waiting for her to come home and the smile she gave me as she looked up at me told me that waiting all night rather than sleeping was not a waste of my time.
“That man would never forget this face” she smirked then added, “I sort of felt sorry for him though.”
“What did you do?” I asked still excited as I got up from her. She stood up from the ground too and dusted her jeans.
“I pretended to be his girlfriend who he was cheating on and gave him a series of bitch slaps. You should have been there.” She smiled.

“You are evil!” I said as I tackled her again. She tried to wriggle herself away from me but she couldn’t so she finally gave up but her giving up only made tackling her boring so I got tired and let her go.
Later that night I laid down on the bed with my face upward and staring at the ceiling throughout the night because I could not sleep, or probably the sandman was angry at me so he only put his sleeping dust on Bimbo’s eye. I turned my head to my right to see Bimbo sleeping soundly and I wished I could have a clear mind like hers, but wishes will always be wishes; as my mother will say.
Anyways, whatever the case might have been concerning me falling asleep. The fact was that no miracle in the world could make me sleep. Because I had a lot of matter in my mind and somehow these ‘matters’ seemed to just pile up and increase and tonight it seemed they were having a party.
The funny thing was that I knew what I was thinking of. It was none other than Bolaji, Mr. Okon and how to approach Tobi and finally what my life would be like after I had finished this game.
Since I started this game I haven’t been bored but to be honest with myself, I have been more troubled than I was in my peaceful boring life.
I looked up at the fan and began to count how many times it made a 360 degree even though I was quite sure I got it wrong on every count, then slowly my eyes began to close and I was so grateful to fall asleep.
“Sleeping beauty wake up!” I pretended not to hear her. “Wake up!” she shouted even louder.
How long had I been as sleep that she was already waking me up?!
I couldn’t take the disturbance any longer! I turned around till my face was covered with the bed then I used my pillow to block her voice from getting into my ear.
“If you don’t get up I’ll pour iced water on you.” she threatened and it worked. I jumped off the bed still feeling sleepy but if there was one thing I hated more than having my sleep disturbed, it was having my sleep disturbed with water! Not just the regular water from the regular tap but, no! Freaking iced water from the freaking dammed freezer.
“What’s wrong with you?” I screamed at her once I got my eyes to open.
“You are late for your class,” She said with her voice so calm that you would think I had been screaming my lungs out at a different person. And somehow I couldn’t say anything to annoy her so that I could hear her scream back at me because my head was blank, I couldn’t come up with anything. I sighed deeply and walked into the bathroom.

“Dude, why don’t we ever have food in this house?” Ikem asked finally, after opening ever cupboard in the kitchen, even the oven, microwave and the fridge which hardly even had water in it.
I looked at my hungry friend standing in front of the kitchen door and clutching his stomach like he had not eaten for days, I smirked then walked to the centre table in my sitting room and picked up my car key before I gave him a reply to his question “Because there are two boys in this house and no woman”
“Yeah! I forgot. What about Cynthia?” he said as he released his stomach and stood in front of me
“She is at home,” I said with a shrug “So what did you get yesterday”
“Nothing much, just his address” he shrugged too “um guy, Bimbo, can I have a physical description”
“I don’t know, she is slim, probably those size two model types, hot, have you already met her?”
“I knew she was the one” he said as a slow mischievous grin crept onto his face.
I kept on staring at him in a questioning look until he noticed after coming back from whatever world he zoned out to
“Oh, sorry, I think I met her,” He says and bends to pick his key up from the table and smiles mischievously at me when he stood back up “I need a proper explanation on everything that is going on between you and this Daniella girl”.
“If you are going to get me in the middle of a psychopathic game, I need to know why.” he added then took a sit on my favourite one sitter couch and motioned his hand to direct me to the two sitter couch which was directly in front of him, my favourite couch, the couch that I liked because, I don’t know, I just liked it.
“I have to go to class” I tried to make an excuse but he knew me too well
“No you want to get food before your class which is about two hours from now, we have the same class, then you go and do something relating to that girl before you go to class,” he said with a smirk.
I pleaded with my eyes hoping it would work, it always worked on my mother until the whole marry Cynthia thing came up but that also clearly did not work.
“Look. Bola, if you don’t tell me what is going on here, I’ll stay out of it. Plus the story can’t be that long” He said now with a serious face.
“Okay” I gave up on trying to evade my upcoming interview but, like all bad stories end, I gave up and sat down on the couch which he had earlier motioned for me to sit on
“Good” he laughs “You are easy. So now tell me why”
“Seven years ago I went for a party, I gave a girl, maybe four classes lower than me her first kiss and never met her again, and the probability that I liked her was high. In year four I see this girl in my school, I watched her every move and find out that she didn’t have a boyfriend, only this girl that I always saw her with. Every time I saw this girl I always got fascinated and wanted to approach her but my ever-loving parents wanted me to get married to my child hood friend, who I had begun to see as a sister. I could still approach this girl and talk to her and become friends. But you see, that is not the problem. The problem is that I might have wanted to be more than friends, so I decided to stay away from her and focus on my life which my parents were trying to control because they had money. Then on one fine afternoon, as I was about to get into my classroom, I bumped into her, she ‘codedly’ flirted with me but I could tell because I remembered her even though she didn’t remember me, because the first time we met I had my hair braided. But now it was cut and neat, or maybe she just completely forgot.
Anyway, I decided to juggle her memory a little bit and she runs away. Later she tells me that she and her best friend are into this sick game where they play boys who have spoilt, rich girlfriends or fiancées and that she was only telling me this so she wouldn’t hurt herself. But her telling me that was like her rejecting me before I even asked her out. So I asked her to play me. So I need all the information around her to tell me what kind of game I am in for” I finally stopped talking and Ikem still kept on looking at me like he expected me to say more.

“So basically, you are in love,” he says without his usual smile
“No, I’m not. I just, I don’t know, but I am sure it’s not love, it’s curiosity, I guess” I said as I stood up from the couch and looked at my wrist watch.
“So what’s it with this lecturer?” he asked as he stood up from my favourite couch
“After hanging out with her I could detect that she was still a virgin. So when I saw her deep in thought I made her tell me what was wrong and she told me, about that Mr. Okon of a man who thinks that he can get something that I haven’t gotten because he can threaten her with her marks. I decided to show him that money, the tool that my parents used to tie me down for so long, is the most powerful weapon in the game of power”
We both walked out of the house. Me, well not thinking of anything other than finding out if that lecturer had dropped his stupid game. Ikem, I did not know what he was thinking of until he spoke
“Does She know that you are about to do something bad to that guy?” he finally asked once we got to our cars
“No” I simply said as I opened my car door.
He then began to laugh, still laughing he opened his car door, made an attempt to enter then stopped, came out of his car and looked up at a very confused me.
“Imagine being stuck between the red sea and the devil,” He says with a mischievous grin then gets into his car and drives off. Leaving me staring after his car as it left the gate.
I shook his last sentence out of my head as I got into my car. I had way too much to think of plus trying to understand what ever that guy implied was like going in circles around a jungle. That guy is a genius and trying to understand geniuses only turned you mad.
So I moved what he had said to the back of my mind and started my engine.

To be continued…

Click Here For The Next Chapter Let’s Play Chapter 11

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Lyrics to Ka Esi Le Onye Isi Oche (Gwo Gwo Gwo Ngwo) Gentleman, Mike Ejeagha

Nnam eze, a kpàtà m enyi My father, king, I have bought and brought Elephant. Nnam eze, a kpàtà m enyi My father, king, I have bought and brought Elephant.