Let’s Play – Chapter 14

Let’s Play – Chapter 14: Nigerian, Free, Web Novel, Drama, Romance, Play Girl, Fabling Pam

I looked at his wife who still could not find the voice to scream and the naked husband on the bed, then back to the wife. I almost felt sorry for her; sorry for doing this to her but look at the bright side, if I had not shown her she probably would still be living in a fake romance.
“WHY!” she finally screamed.
“I’m sorry ma, but your husband is not who you think he is” I calmly said, not to suit her pain or disappointment
“You!” she pointed an accusing finger at me
I kept quiet and waited for her to speak “You! Why! Why did you do this?”
“Your husband threatened to get me expelled if I didn’t meet him here” I gestured to her Mr Okon who had begun to wear his cloth “For this”
“Azuka!” She shouted what I guessed to be his first name
“Oh that is not all ma” I continued still sounding calm “He threatened to fail my best friend if she didn’t sleep with him. And oh, yes, he has slept with half the population of the business administration students”
“But why? Why?” she screamed and began to walk out of the room
“I don’t know why but I know that I have to report him to the higher authorities, but I wanted you to see this first” I said as I walked to the television stand, put my hand behind the television and brought out the camcorder and as I brought it out I wondered why he had not noticed it
His wife had stopped walking to stare at me, her eyes filled with tears, and her face scorned with disappointment, although there was a mix of curiosity at what I was going to do next
I walked towards her with the camcorder in my hand and stopped in front of her “Whatever your reply now determines my next action” she cocked her head sideways as she kept on looking at me
I was about to ask her my question when I felt her husband walk past us “Why aren’t crawling on your knees and begging your wife?” I directed the question to him
He turned slightly so I could only see half of his miserable face “Because I know the kind of woman I married” He said scornfully and walked out
“Now my question” I shoved off his reply and faced the woman in front of me “What should I do with this?”
She wiped away the tears on her face with the back of her hand then looked at me with a forced sad smile “Do whatever you want with it but send me a copy of the video” She said and turned away from me “Thank you” Shocked!, I could not believe she had just thanked me for ruining her marriage
“You are welcome” I did not know why I said that but I did
I watched her leave the room then I took a look around the room, I had to think before I went back to school so I sat down on the chair beside the bed and stared at the ceiling, my eyes picked up an odd shape in the light bulb’s lamp on the ceiling just above the door, it was neither square nor rectangular like the normal cameras and camcorders, it was like a ball but my instinct told me that it was a camcorder, but I wondered who else would put a camcorder in the room.
I stood up and dragged the chair to the door and stood on top of it then I gently put my hand into the lamp in order not to get scorched and slowly brought it out.
Holding the hot ball tight in my right hand and my camcorder tight in my left hand I came down from the chair and examined the ball like thing ‘it was round but had a flat side’ it had a lens at the centre and that confirmed my hunch
This could only mean four things; either Mr Okon wanted to frame me, or he was a psycho who always kept videos of his catches or Daniella did not trust me enough to let me do this alone or there was someone else involved
I hurriedly walked to the window and looked out at the parking lot and I saw a red baby boy drive out of the hotel
A small smile spread across my lips, I did not know why but it did and whatever feeling I had at that point which made me smile felt good even though I did not know what it was.
When I got back to the room Daniella already had our gowns laid out on the bed and their shoes in front of them on the ground. I heard the shower running so I guessed she was having her bath
I smirked and walked to her laptop which was on the table charging with a USB cord beside it as though she had been expecting me, turned it on, connected it to the camcorder with the USB cord and uploaded the video from the camcorder to it.
As I was about to shot down the laptop I remembered the ball like camcorder I had dropped on the table beside mine. I picked it up and looked for a hole which I could put a USB into but there was none, I rolled it in my hand and kept exploring it until a part press in, it was the flat part, I pressed that side again and a blue light came on
I immediately knew that it was a Bluetooth camcorder so I turned on the Bluetooth of the laptop and connected them but it was no use because although it worked, the camcorder stored nothing. It could only be used for videoing, which meant that the owner had the video with him, stored on his laptop or whatever he used it with.
“You are back” Dan said as she stepped out of the bathroom “Now have your bath and let’s get dressed Tobi will be here for me anytime soon” She sounded like a mother and I sighed
I only agreed to go to the stupid dance because I was afraid of staying alone, afraid that ‘he’ would come for me, and Clara of course


To be continued…

Click Here For The Next Chapter Let’s Play Chapter 15


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Lyrics to Ka Esi Le Onye Isi Oche (Gwo Gwo Gwo Ngwo) Gentleman, Mike Ejeagha

Nnam eze, a kpàtà m enyi My father, king, I have bought and brought Elephant. Nnam eze, a kpàtà m enyi My father, king, I have bought and brought Elephant.